Key Processes Towards Compliance
在甚至接近符合肉类和骨骼之前,有两个主要的初始组件到地址。步骤编号1A在最大限度地减少作为危险废物发生器的环境,法律,金融和其他固有风险,是了解和应用规定和相应的危险废物计划合规性要求。步骤编号1B完成准确和最新的废物库存,以确定适用于您的操作的实际危险废物符合要求。从这一点开始,危险废物通知;隔离;收藏;贮存;训练;泄漏反应;表现; disposal; and reporting (if required) practices and procedures are developed and implemented so that your facility can adhere to your specific regulatory compliance requirements.
Given the complexity of RCRA regulations and the nature of these non-industrial sectors, business leaders in the hospital, healthcare, educational and retail industries may lack the internal institutional experience to adequately meet regulatory compliance requirements related to RCRA. And, unfortunately, systemic or acute compliance issues may only be uncovered during a government agency compliance inspection or a waste or chemical management incident. When either of these scenarios occurs, it is commonly found that no single person or business department was responsible for the RCRA hazardous waste program.
为了避免这样的情况 - 有时可以引发重大的环境风险,如不受欢迎的宣传 - 有实际的合规性评估步骤(在这些部门的任何设施,区域或公司范围内)业务可以主动地实现非 -遵守RCRA危险废物法规。
这些步骤看起来像什么?加入环境顾问Darrell阿曼9月24日TH.for a webinar on comprehensive program management approaches for industrial and non-industrial sectors. Darrell has more than 30 years of consulting, program development, and risk management experience in the Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) field and is excited to share his insights in this live interactive webinar.