
New University Soil Lab Dedicated to Longtime Braun Intertec Engineer

A recently renovated soil lab at the University of Minnesota is now officially named the Michael M. and Nancy L. Heuer Soil Mechanics Laboratory. Named in honor of the Heuers’ contributions to this new facility, the lab is part of the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering (CEGE) at the University.

Soil Lab Dedication
Joe Labuz,Michael Heuer,Dean Crouch在土壤实验室奉献精神


The Heuers have a long relationship with the University of Minnesota. They both attended the University as undergraduate students in the Civil Engineering program and met there. After graduation, Nancy pursued her transportation-focused career with several area firms culminating with SRF Consulting. Her notable projects include feasibility studies to upgrade Interstate-35W and Interstate-494. When Mike graduated he began a career at Braun Intertec, where he now serves as a Vice President. Over the years, Mike has worked on many University of Minnesota new and renovated buildings including: Walter Library, Northrop Auditorium, Physics and Nanotechnology Building, and the Tate Laboratory of Physics. They also have two “Gopher” daughters, Gillian (BA 2012) and Rachel (BS 2016).

The dedication ceremony took place on November 10th2015年,识别蜂兵的支持和资助实验室。夜晚开始于坡度稳定性的研讨会,并与J.S.的主要折叠坍塌。Braun manbet体育滚球/ Braun Intertec访问教授,密歇根大学的Radoslaw Michalowski。仪式在新装修的实验室发生,许多布劳恩Intertec员工以及学生,教师,朋友和家人加入了迈克庆祝这个场合。manbet体育滚球

Michael M. Heuer, PE副总统,主要工程师
