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在处理工作场所安全时,运输事故通常不是思想所致的第一个工作危险。然而,超过38%of annual worker injuries are caused by motor vehicle accidents, during the workday or while commuting to and from work. A recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study reported that nearly 80 percent of crashes and 65 percent of near-crashes involved some form of driver inattention within three seconds before the event. Primary causes of driver inattention are cell phone use and drowsiness. Some other high-risk distractions include reaching for objects, insects, writing or typing, applying makeup, eating and reading.


  1. 扣上并坚持你的乘客也这样做。一些统计数据表明,安全带增加了幸运车祸的机会约60%。
  2. 了解你的限制。在你在车轮后面休息很好,很重要。每两小时休息一下,如果长途旅行,并确保让自己充足的时间来避免匆忙的地方,这可以增加采取不必要风险的趋势。
  3. 未雨绸缪。在起飞之前,避免饮酒或服用药物,导致嗜睡,并且始终预先编程电台,调整镜子,安全或移除可能四处移动的物体,确保您知道方向,并在车辆中散步以寻找潜在问题。
  4. 保持冷静,保持警惕。There are plenty of things drivers can do to frustrate, scare and even anger each other, but don’t take other drivers actions personally. This can sometimes be difficult to do, but is important for the safety of yourself and others.
  5. 保持专注。驾驶时避免对多项任务的诱惑。任何时候你完全关注驾驶时,你会把自己和其他司机在风险上。谈电话,即使有免提设置,也可以将您的回复时间缩短为一半。


