
Is Digital Imaging the Future of NDT

NDT DIgital Imaging Computed Radiography

几十年来无损检测(NDT)行业, film has been the Radiographic imaging method of choice. Its evolution and industry competition has driven film into a high quality-level with many options that cover virtually anything requiring radiography. Slow film is used for fine resolution options while faster speeds cover larger or less critical materials. Today, we have many new competitors attempting to dethrone film as the industry king. Many of these options share a single result: digital imaging.

The transition from traditional to digital images has been a gradual one with very small leaps and bounds. We’ve all, likely, been presented with it in one form or another, but recent NDT industry changes have put digital squarely in many of our future business plans. Projections of better quality along with promises of a much higher production are sparking the interest of service providers and fabricators alike. Before we understand the new technology we’re up against, let’s understand what digital imaging really is.

What is Digital Imaging for NDT?


While digital imaging is a constant to these processes, the images produced have their own characteristics based on practical applications. A CR image tends to have a high resolution, though can also suffer from noise. A DDA image, inversely, will tend to have a lower resolution, but should excel at noise reduction. Alternative applications may also have an effect.




Another factor we should understand, at least a little bit: resolution. Consider the television market as our example. Television screens are composed of a grid of tiny pixels making up the picture. Once high-definition TV’s took the market, we started discussions on resolution. 720P, 1080P, and now 4K are all what we would consider a total resolution, or the total of pixels in one line or one panel. In a 1080P television, the vertical lines of the screen are 1080 pixels long. There are then 1920 of those vertical lines, meaning that we have a resolution of 1920 x 1080, or 2.07 million pixels, in the panel.



4096 Shades of Grey: Determining Radiographic Bit-Depth

We’ve established that pixels are laid out in a two-dimensional grid but haven’t discussed how to fill them. That’s where bit-depth comes into play. Each tiny pixel in an image has a ‘grey value’ represented by a number. The potential range of that number, known as the ‘dynamic range’, depends on the bit-depth of the image.

One bit is a piece of information containing either a 1 or 0 representing ‘on’ or ‘off’. If we take a second bit and string the two together, we can get the on/off positions, as well as two more in between. The two bits (2 bit-depth) could represent 00 or 11 but could also be 01 or 10. If we added another bit (3 bit-depth), the options could be 000, 001, 010, 100, 011, 110, 101, or 111. The amount of options doubles each time we add one bit.

Now, let us consider these shades of grey from white to black rather than an on/off scenario. We’ll also be discussing this at a much higher bit-depth. A bit-depth of 12 would give us 212options or 4096 shades of grey while 16 bits would give us 216or 65,536 shades of grey. A set of all zeros would result in no exposure, or white, and a set of all ones would result in complete saturation, or black. The remaining options in between would be shades of grey.


Digital Imaging is the Future of NDT


Film will be obsolete eventually and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The earlier the industry gets ahead of the curve, the more time and money our clients will save later. Moreover,正确培训无损检测技术人员可以开发sound program in the long run.

Computed Radiography Webinar

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Wesley Soape, ASNT NDT Level-III RT无损检测Technician, La Porte, Texas

P: 409.948.8494