
Tier II报告:您需要知道本报告季节的内容

Tier II报告,即紧急情况和危险化学品库存形式,是每年有危险化学品的企业的形式企业。这些报告帮助社区计划并回应紧急情况,并帮助各种州和地方机构了解设施中材料所带来的风险。不能遵守一级的要求可以costly到您的组织,这就是为什么仔细审查您的设施并确定您是否需要提交报告是很重要的。3月1日st报告的最后期限快到了,这篇文章会l cover what Tier II reporting is and how to determine if you need to submit a form this reporting season.

你有一级II通知吗?什么是tier ii?

Tier II is the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) Section 312 Tier II Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the purpose of the reporting is “to provide state and local officials as well as the public with specific information on potential hazards.” More importantly, this reporting is provided to local emergency responders so they understand potential hazards they may face at a facility, such as a fire.

关于Tier II的最常见问题之一是“我需要报告什么?”在Epcra下,设施必须报告他们是否有:

  1. Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) present at any one time over the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) or;
  2. 任何危险化学品在任何一次存在10,000磅以上的危险化学品。

环保署有一个列表of extremely hazardous substances and what the threshold planning quantity is for each substance. This list includes substances like chlorine gas, which could be found at water treatment plants, or sulfuric acid, which could be found at facilities with large numbers of lead-acid batteries.

许多设施可能没有EHS present,but may have hazardous substances present in quantities greater than 10,000 pounds. For the purposes of EPCRA reporting, a substance or material is considered hazardous if it has a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and is present in large quantities, whether it is routinely at a facility or only present at the facility for one day. Examples include diesel fuel in an underground or aboveground storage tank, lead-acid batteries, or even paper (like at a newspaper printing facility), or sand (like at a 出色地钻井公司)。

我是否需要在Tier II下报告?

那么你如何确定您是否需要在Tier II下报告?第一步是审查过去一年的购买请求。如果您一次以10,000磅或更大的数量购买任何东西,并且它有 一个MSDS.或SDS,您将不得不报告。

While reviewing purchasing requests catches the obvious items, it may not catch times when you have some inventory on hand, but order less than 10,000 pounds at a time. For example, if you typically maintain three totes of ethylene glycol (250 gallons each), but when one is empty you order four more totes, you will have six full totes once the order arrives. This will bring you to over 10,000 pounds (ethylene glycol is approximately 9.47 pounds per gallon) when the order is received. Or perhaps you only use the substances seasonally and a 出色地driller orders three pallets of bentonite pellets every spring to be used throughout the year. If the 出色地钻床仍然有两个托盘从去年股票,它会把公司放在10,000磅的报告门槛上。



The good news about Tier II reporting is once you have your list of materials, you only need to check it annually or whenever you add or stop using materials at your facility. Also, once you have your list, the reporting can be done quickly online through your state. The EPA keeps a list of State Tier II reporting requirements, which you can find这里。对于大多数州而言,报告价格低廉,每年从25美元到100美元,具体取决于您的材料有多少和什么类型的材料。

Braun Intertec has staff well-versed inwaste characterization and managementwho understand what needs to be reported and can help you determin if you need to report under Tier II. If you think you might need to report under Tier II, or need assistance with your Tier II reporting, please contact Jennifer Wolff at[电子邮件受保护]

Jennifer Wolff,PG,CHMM,CPGSenior Environmental Scientist

P: 952.995.2454