

Thisarticle originally appeared在八月/ 9月2020年9月的基础钻井杂志



On the east and west sides of the site are located vintage brick buildings, both constructed in 1886, with three levels above grade and a full basement. The Foster House building is on the east of the project site and the Chicago House Hotel is on the west. Both structures are built tight to the lot lines with the Foster House extending approximately 9 inches over the property line and into the site. Figure 1 shows an overview of the site during excavation.

Figure 1. Site Overview (Google Earth Image taken during construction)

The large railroad yard was replaced by the Federal Reserve Bank Facility in 1997. Construction of the Federal Reserve included a large open excavation extending to an elevation approximately equal to the lowest parking level ofThe Archive。这种挖掘以距离存档延伸的近似45°角的近似45°角切割基岩。图2显示了该挖掘的范围,归档站点位置由红色轮廓表示。在此建设中,福斯特房屋被转换为支持美联储银行的机械建筑。



一般土壤剖面由10到13英尺of urban fill comprised of silty sand, poorly graded sand, sandy lean clay, and miscellaneous debris over bedrock. The bedrock stratigraphy consists of a layer of Platteville Limestone varying between 8 to 12 feet thick over a 2 to 4-foot-thick layer of Glenwood Shale, sitting on St. Peter Sandstone. The Platteville Limestone has RQD values from 0 to 90 with an average of 37 and the Glenwood Shale is known to deteriorate if exposed for an extended time period.


With parking at a premium in this area of downtown, and some nearby competing residential buildings touting approximately ½ of a parking space for every unit, The Archive desired to stand out, by maximizing the available parking for tenants. Incorporating three below grade levels, places the lowest floor a few feet above the water table, thus maximizing the depth of excavation.

Usingtraditional temporary retention and cast-in-place below-grade wallswould have reduced the footprint of the building enough to remove one row of parking for all three levels. Therefore, the project team decided the temporary support of excavation (SOE) system would become the permanent below-grade wall to provide as much space as possible. The depth to bedrock prevented the use of sheet piles as the permanent foundation system and the limitations on the use of permanent tiebacks beyond the property line prevented the use of a soil nail system. A drilled system would be required, systems such as drilled soldier piles, secant walls, and diaphragm walls were explored. A drilled soldier pile system was proposed based on the cost and ability to meet project timelines.


The shotcrete levels were reinforced with epoxy coated rebar and headed studs were welded to the webs of the piles to transfer the load. The shotcrete was placed at the back flange of the piles and the rock was excavated to the back flange of the piles. This was done to allow air flow to pass between the lower floors in the web of the piles, reducing the demand on the mechanical systems. Figure 3 shows a close up of the exposed face.

Figure 3. Permanent Exposed Face of Wall System

“The Federal Reserve Bank would not allow tiebacks to cross the property line, limiting the tieback length on the north wall to only an 18-foot horizontal dimension.”


The design of the soldier piles had to consider both the temporary condition during construction and the permanent condition when it becomes part of the permanent structure. For the temporary SOE, the soldier piles used temporary tiebacks for lateral support. The design called for the tiebacks to remain in-place until the floor diaphragms were cast and grouted to the piles, whereby the floor diaphragms provide lateral support for the piles.

The Federal Reserve Bank would not allow tiebacks to cross the property line, limiting the tieback length on the north wall to only an 18-foot horizontal dimension. To achieve resistance in such a short horizontal length, the tiebacks would have to be bonded into the bedrock within the theoretical failure plane. Knowing the quality of the bedrock gave us confidence we would be able to provide adequate support in this condition. However, as shown by historical photos (Figure 2.), extensive rock excavation had occurred north of the site. Thus, there was a risk the bonded length of the tie-backs could extend into soils, rather than bedrock. To account for this, the tiebacks were installed at the lowest elevation the piles could support in a cantilevered condition and drilled in at a 45° angle to run parallel with the previously excavated rock surface.

On the east side, tiebacks were not allowed to be installed under the Foster House. While this building has a basement with strip footings bearing directly on the limestone bedrock, the planned excavations would remove the soil pressure on one side of the building, producing an unbalanced soil load that needed to be resisted by the shoring. The Foster House building only extends about two thirds of the site along this wall and the remainder of the wall had direct soil loading applied to the shoring.


建筑师能够在寄养房屋和士兵桩的后面之间提供三英尺的空间。这种空间的覆盖层土壤与基岩仰角混合的土壤,产生了2,000 psi土水泥基质。HollowBar Tiedowns被安装在寄养房屋上的土壤混合中央,并张紧以提供倾覆的抗性。由于距离窄,重件的张紧施加到岩石表面的大约17ksf的轴承压力。然后,士兵桩设计为20英尺高的悬臂元件,抵抗覆盖覆盖土的剪切力(不是时刻)和来自基岩的一些局部侧向压力。图4显示了墙壁系统的示意图,图5显示了土壤混合和图6显示完成的壁。

Figure 4. Soil Mixing Wall Detail
Figure 5. Soil Mixing Process
Figure 6. Completed wall at the Foster House




Figure 7. Rock Excavation at the Chicago House



Coordination was required to place the temporary tiebacks at elevations that did not interfere with the floor slabs, columns, or formwork for casting the floor slabs. With the tiebacks installed based on progress plans, a conflict was discovered in the field along the south wall where there were interferences with some columns and the temporary tiebacks. The entire team helped with the solution, the structural engineer was able to move some of the columns that were not yet cast. Temporary corner bracing was installed to remove some of the conflicts, such as shown in Figure 8. The remaining conflicts were solved by changing the forming system for the columns and shortening the bearing ends of the wales.



The Archive used an innovate application of drilled soldier piles as the permanent foundation wall and post tensioned soil mixing to maximize the structure footprint, while saving cost over a conventional wall system.


Developer: Solhem Companies and TE Miller Development
结构工程师:Ericksen Roed&Associates
General Contractor: Ironmark Building Company
Drilling and Shoring Contractor: Bolander
manbet万博app岩土工程师:Bmanbet体育滚球raun Intertec Corporation
Shoring Engineer:Bmanbet体育滚球raun Intertec Corporation

Jeff Segar高级工程师


杰弗里·Casmer PE项目工程师

P: 952.995.2314