In Mid-May, Braun Intertec and a team of experienced employee-owners extended a warm welcome to this year’s合作. This year, Braun Intertec has more than 50 co-ops joining us in Texas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Braun Intertec Co-Op Program Overview
The Braun Intertec co-op program was created more than ten years ago and has evolved ever since. The co-op program is a six-month paid internship which allows currently enrolled students to gain industry experience with ourapp 1manbetx bet 和construction materials testinggroup. Before the program kicks off, we recruit and interview students from more than 30 different colleges and technical schools and, once our co-op positions have been offered and accepted, the program officially begins with training followed by field work.
“At Braun Intertec we feel, and have heard, we provide an industry leading on-boarding experience for our co-ops and interns,” said Matt Balster, Operations Director and Co-Leader of the Co-op Onboarding Program. “Our blend of safety and technical components provides our new team members with the tools, knowledge and attitudes to quickly become contributing members of the Braun Intertec team.”
On day one, co-ops start integrating with their local teams by training with senior level Field Technicians. Soon after, they attend a four-day multi-phase onboarding process. The first phase of training is a dive into the technical aspect of the co-op role. This includes discussions about site communication, plan and specification reading, small group exercises, and presentations. Co-ops also take a hands-on soil compaction and classification class during this part of their onboarding.
Braun Intertec的合manbet体育滚球作安全
我们在布劳恩Intertec的最重要的事情之一是创造一个安全和健康的工作环境。manbet体育滚球作为一个员工拥有的公司,拥有现场技术人员,环境科学家,岩土工程师等,我们每天都在我们的工作中遇到危险情况。manbet万博app无论是在工作场所,钻机还是在我们的实验室和车库中,安全就是我们在布劳恩Intertec的首要任务。manbet体育滚球当我们培训我们的合作安全的安全性时,我们首先讨论Braun InterteC安全非谈判,通过选择,危险和缓解和安全工具和应用。manbet体育滚球
Once safety and the technical aspects of the co-op program are completed, we administer nuclear density gauge training and an in-house ACI Concrete Field One Learning Program. The ACI program prepares the coop to take both the written and hands-on examination. At all levels of the company, safety is our priority because healthy, safe employee-owners is what matters most.
今年,由于Covid-19,通常会有内部的内部,不得不调整动手经验。安全性和船上是非常重要的,因此该程序被转换为虚拟课堂。manbet体育滚球Braun Intertec能够将大型传入的班级与几个较小的课程分成几个较小的课程,因此每个小组都获得了成功所需的关注和参与。感谢我们的合作伙伴,以便灵活,有这些变化!
Welcome, co-ops! We are excited to have you on board for the 2020 season.