其中一个最新的布劳恩Intertecmanbet体育滚球办公地点是巴吞鲁日(冈萨雷斯),路易斯安那州。此位置提供了我们的几个服务manbetx手机网environmental consulting,岩manbet万博app土工程与建筑材料检测。我们与高级科学家Brady Turk发表讲话,了解更多关于使我们的新巴吞鲁日办事处特别的东西的更多信息。
What was the strategy behind choosing Baton Rouge, LA as a new office location?
我们选择了Baton Rouge地区的主要原因是因为它具有工业和商业工作的蓬勃发展。Bryan Landers战略性地将我带到了帮助,让这个办公室位置起来。随着我的23年的环境咨询经验和20多年engineering和testing, there’s a lot of work we can team up on and cover in this area.
I will be the go-to for the environmental consulting work. We also have Evan LeBouef here to help with engineering projects and Bryan Landers will be back and forth between this office and the Beaumont office. Once we get things up and running a little more, we’ll plan to add staff, as needed.
What makes the new Baton Rouge office unique?
The combination of our history of clients we have in the area and the experience we have, especially when you add in our Lafayette team. We know the industry well here and know what the needs are.
What projects do we work on out of the Baton Rouge office?
One of the growing areas we want to attack is the public and government sectors. There will be a bunch of schools and other public infrastructure being built soon too, so we’ll chase a lot of that work as well. Then, of course, there is a lot to work on in the industrial sector.
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On top of that, this physical address in Gonzales will be awesome for us. People are ready for us to be located here! Our lead managers are from the area, so they know it well and know the people, so that’s a huge help.