在10名入围者中,Braun Intertemanbet体育滚球c是两位获奖者的项目团队成员:获得环境影响奖-大型项目的Union Flats公寓和获得经济影响奖-大型项目和创新奖的明尼苏达大道医学院。
manbet体育滚manbet万博app球Braun Intertec曾担任明尼苏达州圣保罗市名为Union Flats的新的、经济实惠的、以交通为导向的开发公寓社区的环境顾问和岩土工程师。联合公寓是由217个住宅组成,其中有一个四层比一层的地下停车场。
Union Flats was once home to Northwestern Blaugus Company, a bulk petroleum storage facility, and Hunt Electric. The site had many environmental issues due to more than a century of commercial and industrial use. Braun Intertec completed multiple response actions concurrently with redevelopment activities, including removal of asbestos-containing materials within the former structures, disposal of more than 34,000 tons of contaminated soil, and remediation of an unexpected buried tank/vault containing thousands of gallons of petroleum and phenolic impacted liquid, solids/sludge, and debris. Our consultants also installed a sub-slab vapor mitigation system to prevent potential vapor intrusion into the new building.
Braun Intertec also helped obtain cleanup funding from multiple grant sources to help offset remediation costs. The project generated more than 200 construction jobs during its duration and the net property value change between before and after redevelopment is $38,000,000. The development of Union Flats has transformed a formerly contaminated and underutilized site into a unique housing project that has addressed affordable housing needs in the community and provided multi-modal transportation options for commuting residents.
Braun Intertec provided environmental services throughout the Minnesota Drive Medical Campus project, including Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs); Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Brownfields Program guidance and requirements; Response Action Plan preparation and implementation; and assistance with obtaining and administering over $800,000 in environmental cleanup grants from DEED and the Metropolitan Council. The site was undeveloped land until the mid-1950s and then was part of an aggregate mining operation and landfill (i.e., part of the historic “France Avenue Dump”) until the early 1960s.
The site was redeveloped with a three-story medical office building, a two-level parking ramp, a stormwater management system, and associated paved parking. Contaminated soil was encountered across the majority of the site, and included petroleum impacts and various landfill debris, including glass, brick, concrete, lumber, demolition debris, plastics, rubber, tires, textiles, ceramics, and ash. Environmental cleanup activities included excavation and off-site disposal of 20,453 tons of impacted soil, including 1,837 tons of asbestos-containing waste. A methane mitigation system was installed beneath the new building to prevent methane accumulation and intrusion.
Braun is proud to have served as the consultant of choice for these ReScape award winners. To watch the awards event, click在这里。